Family and Couples Therapy Services

Relationships are incredibly important to us. They are often a source of motivation, goals, and joy. That is why it can be so painful when there is conflict or problems in our relationships. And we often struggle to “fix” these problems because they are so complex and carry so much emotion. Over time, we can feel helpless or hopeless to manage these problems. Our goal is to help couples or families figure out how to better understand each other and their relationships, and to work together to live a life consistent with their values and goals.

Expectations and Getting Started

If you are primarily looking for family or couples treatment, schedule a Free Consultation to discuss:

  • Primary issues of concern and goals for treatment

  • Who would be participating in treatment

  • Whether or not insurance may cover this service

The next step is to complete an Initial Assessment, a 90 minute meeting to learn more about the individuals, their histories, and the presenting problems. During this appointment we will develop a plan for treatment and what services will look like.

Consent and Participation in Treatment

All individuals participating in the Couples or Family therapy will need to consent to services and participate in the initial assessment. The assessment will likely involve joint discussion of the issues of concern as well as one-on-one discussions with each person.

For Couples Therapy in particular to be effective, both participants need to be willing to attend and participate in services.

Confidentiality and Documentation

During the initial assessment, we will discuss expectations for confidentiality and sharing information within the couple or family, and how services will be documented.